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Door_7_&_Door_3 2.png

4 of 8, Mural designs for Farrington's School.

Personal project on grief, Digital Illustration.

Equanimity of mind.png
Mia QR code.png

Reimagine Newham Exhibition, Digital Illustration.

Hold your camera over the QR code, to make the artwork come to life!

Personal project, Digital Illustration.

Journey to Heart.png

Design and Illustrations for my own events.

1 (1).PNG

Personal projects, sketchbook experimentation, mixed media.

Sketches 8.PNG

Book cover design competition in which I was one of four winners out of 30+ others. Judged by Donna Payne - AOI Judge.

Comic project for my Bachelors Degree in Illustration.

Fashion Illustration for a university project, mixed media.

personal projects, Digital Illustration.

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